About Me

Welcome to Snap Peas!

This blog was created based on my longing to be part of Tablescape Thursdays. Goodness, dish collecting, table setting, cooking the meal for the set table...I just had to be part of that! It was a family effort to get this thing going. My hubby made the bench for my tablescape settings, my mother painted the faux topiaries, one son drew the snap peas, and another put the website together. My contribution... I shopped for dishes. We all have our fields of expertise, after all.

We moved to Virginia from Southern California in 1989 - I don't know exactly what made us decide to do it. One day, I mentioned it in passing to hubby, and the next thing I knew, he was back here taking videos of houses, one house in particular. The only realtor who took my inquiries seriously mailed me a "Homes" magazine, and our house was on the first page. I was hooked by one tiny, faded photo of a tired "pre-civil war" home.

A movie could be made about our move here. If anything could go wrong, moving kids, horses, and dogs in three big trucks/trailers, it did, and then some. We made it, though.

The initial renovations needed were massive, which was lucky for me. Hubby was the most fabulously skilled renovation contractor—YAY!! The house wasn't wonderful overnight; for instance, I didn't have a closet for five years. However, he restored our home to its original splendor with modern amenities since it was built in 1798. He created it, and I accessorized it, but it works.

What do I do to keep busy, being a retired stay-at-home mom? I breed doodles. I've actually bred dogs for over thirty years, but I transitioned from purebreds to hybrids about 18 years ago. My life is filled with silly, fluffy puppies and the pure pleasure I get from seeing their new families’ joy the day they go to their forever homes. Yes, my life is good.

Here's a life update: Hubby passed away a couple of years ago, so projects have slowed down, and I’m cooking for one. With a house this old, there are always projects, and I’ve found lots of tasty meal prep recipes which are great for continuing to enjoy cooking but with less frequency.
