Bagel Bar

This was an easy, fun family breakfast. A bagel bar is a great way to go when you have a group where various likes/dislikes/diets need to be addressed. Some of our family members don't like eggs, making all strata and quiche dishes a no-go. Then there's the one that doesn't want anything sweet (that would be me), so forget all French Toast and pancake, syrup-drenched breakfasts. On this particular morning, our (perfectly fit/I envy her) carb-avoiding members weren't present, or I would have offered a Bagel/Rice Cake Bar...I always eat healthier in their company.

We had lox and cream cheese for those wanting to follow tradition, fresh fruit and preserves for our sweet-tooth family members, and some shaved London broil and set pickle slices for those who wanted something different.

  • Smoked Salmon

  • Cream cheese

  • Capers

  • Red onion

  • Hard-boiled egg

  • Cinnamon cream cheese

  • Bacon

  • Nutella

  • Strawberries

  • Preserves

  • London Broil

  • Sweet Pickles

  • Cucumber

  • Bagels - we had a variety from Panera Bread


Mushroom Prosciutto Chicken