Fresh Corn Salad

Another fresh summer side salad ... aka dinner when I don’t want meat. The original recipe called for raw corn and cherry tomatoes, I made a few alterations.

My corn was fresh from the field and sweet. To maintain the desired crunch, I shortened the boil time to 3 minutes.

I had perfectly ripe tomatoes in the garden. I chopped the big tomatoes rather than cherry tomatoes from the store ... executive decision.

Otherwise, I followed the recipe ... almost.

Corn, Tomato, and Avocado Salad


  • 4 ears corn, blanched

  • 2 large ripe tomatoes

  • 1 ripe form avocado

  • 2 T diced Red onion

  • Lemon

  • olive oil

  • Dalt

  • Feta crumbles

Instructions: cut cooled corn off the cob, chop tomatoes,

Combine corn, tomatoes, onion, lemon zest, and lemon juice.

Add salt and olive oil to taste.

Right before serving, gently stir in avocado and too with feta.


Beets and Cherries


Apple Cucumber Salsa