My Calendar


My new calendar is a prime example of how I sometimes (frequently)  buy something I see and can't live without before I give a wee bit of thought about where it will go in my house. One of those moments was how this entire saga(fiasco) began. Being a tad stubborn, I refuse to admit I was wrong. Between you and me, I've been on a path to the remedy for months, and I don't even want to think about what this adorable(stupid) bulletin board has ended up costing.

I just knew it would look so fab in my kitchen. Unfortunately, there wasn't a space for it. I briefly considered a home in my office, but I already have two bulletin boards. How many places to pin notes I never look at do I need?

So, after months of pondering, I came to the brilliant conclusion that I could adios the calendar - I use the one on the computer - so who needs the Lang photos for date keeping? Turns out, hubby does. Hmmm.

The next step was to find cute drawings on Etsy. I'm incapable of anything more involved than a stick figure,  even a basic sketch; Etsy saves me when it comes to anything DIY. So....days of the week... I added color in Photoshop - the modern-day version of crayons. Of course, I needed event symbols, too.

This was great until we had events this past week. Arggh. So, the next addition was the dry-erase calendar from Pottery Barn. I printed mini versions of my event photos and made bubble magnets because we couldn't have cute on one calendar and not the other.

If simplification was my goal, I failed miserably, Years later, it’s all still cute and I use the calendar on my phone.


Chair Recover


Photo Tree