Charm Necklace


About a month ago, a woman visiting our home was wearing a fabulous charm necklace. It was unusual in that the charms were a collection of large and small clustered together on a toggle chain necklace - I loved it at first site. She graciously shared where she purchased it and within minutes of her departure, I was on the computer looking up the store. It was very disappointing to discover that they didn't offer online sales while they had photos of their "Charm Bar" online. The store is only 1 1/2 hours away, but 3 hours of driving to purchase a necklace that wouldn't cost $30 seemed like a waste of time and gas - besides, I hate driving. So, I devoted a bit of time to sulking before the light bulb of brilliant thought came into my head.

I selected some treasured items, found a few others and created my own charm necklace.

Before I made any purchases I looked through pieces I already owned and decided that some would fit with the look I was trying to achieve and give me a necklace with sentimental meaning as well. I knew I liked the big shapes, they gave the necklace the punch that drew my eye to it in the first place. I wanted some pieces to be longer, and I wanted a bit of color - but nothing that would limit me wearing it with any outfit.

I have a silver dollar given to me by my Great-Uncle John when I was a child. This is the finished necklace.


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