Fashion Style

Everyone's fashion style changes as we age—at least, I hope so. Heaven knows I see some Hollywood types who might want to count the candles on their next birthday cake, but that's just my opinion. I'm not here to point out my idea of fashion faux pas. I'm here to share my influences, good and bad.

In my youth, I didn't have a style I hoped to achieve; it was more of a look I'd been taught to avoid. Silly me, I thought it was a lesson taught in every home, so when I told a friend's child that she couldn't go outside looking like one of "Hattie's kids," I was certain she understood. As it turns out, I needed to call Mom for some explanation. The story goes... Hattie (we're avoiding last names - but she was always referred to by both) and her offspring could frequently be seen around our small town in disarray - picture those Walmart shopper photos that make the rounds on the internet. When I was told I couldn't go outside looking like one of Hattie's kids, I knew that meant I needed to brush my hair and tidy up lest the neighbors thought we were slovenly.

So, as an adult, I knew what to avoid, but I still didn't have a great role model for my casual lifestyle until one day.

I was driving to the bank, I turned a corner, and right then, Ms. Nancy was getting out of her car to go into the little family hardware store. I can still tell you 15 years later what she was wearing....simple black flats, black hose/tights, a black knee-length pencil skirt, a black cardigan with colored pompoms on the edges, a chunky gold necklace, and chunky gold bracelets on her left arm. Her hair was styled, and she had bright lipstick on it. In case you think I wasn't paying CLOSE attention...her nail polish was red. All of this as I drove past....

It hit me, even though I had all the pieces in my own wardrobe and had a tendency to run out of the house in my wind suit, without jewelry and makeup—frequently with hair that was dependent on the window down to dry—gasp!! With an extra few minutes of effort, I could look as put together as Ms. Nancy—an attainable goal!

I'm not saying that I don't occasionally have those days when drip-dry hair is genuinely all I can accomplish - and heaven knows, my puppy families probably see me in Hattie style more often than not. However, for the last 15 years, when I'm headed out to run errands around town, I try to ensure my outfit is Ms. Nancy-worthy. I don't keep my worship of Ms. Nancy's style a secret - quite a few friends have applied the Ms. Nancy standard to their casual dress...and we all look and feel better for it.

My new fall/winter pieces are focused on black and white with a pop of color...I hope I make Ms. Nancy proud.

1. Chicos Leopard Cardi 2. Chicos Peyton 3. Chicos Zebra Shoes 4. Chicos Tee 5. Arcadia Handbag 6. Ioaku Zen Amulet

I always have a few pairs of jeans and I love them best with animal prints and anything red...

1. Ioaku Dragonfly 2.Chicos Mandy Vest (I wear it with the matching red tee 3. Michael Kors 4. Chicos Boyfreind Jeans 5. The Look from Chicos 6. Leopard Flats from Chicos*

*my flats actually came from Land's End last year - very comfy

Some other additions to my closet this year...

1. Chicos Chevron Vest 2. Lands End flats - I love their shoes! 3. Bangles - must-haves for the Ms. Nancy look 4. Chico's Fall Pants 5. Animal print scarf - love it with red and jeans 6. Michael Kors Hamilton bag (from TJ Maxx)

My life is all about casual, I don't work in an office so business wear isn't called for. When I leave the house, I run errands, go to lunch with friends, or go shopping (yay!!). I try to stop and this outfit Ms. Nancy worthy? Some days, I don't care - those are inevitably the days I run into someone I haven't seen in 10 years - ugh!

Thank you for the visit - I hope to see you again soon.


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